
  • Chatchawan Duangbubpha Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Antecedents Affecting, Organizational Engagement, Generation Y, Government Savings Bank


This article were to study : 1) the levels of organizational climate, leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational engagement of the Generation Y employees of the Government Savings Banks; 2) the casual relationship influencing the organizational engagement of the Generation Y employees of the Government Savings Banks; and 3) a guideline for enhancing the organizational engagement of the Generation Y employees. This research employed a mixed research methodology combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative research part, the sample consisted of 300 Generation Y employees of the Government Savings Banks, selected via proportional sampling. The sample size was determined based on 20 times the observed variables. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with a structural equation model (SEM). As for the qualitative research component, in-depth interviews were undertaken with 14 key informants. They were selected by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed with content analysis. The research findings showed that: 1) organizational climate, leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and organizational engagement of the Generation Y employees of the Government Savings Banks were all rated at a high level; 2) Structural model for Organization Engagement of Generation Y Employees in Government Savings Bank was consistant with empirical data. Goodness of fit statistics were : x2/df = 1.13 , GFI = 0.98 , AGFI = 0.94 , RMR = 0.007 , RMSEA = 0.021 organizational climate, leadership and organizational culture and job satisfaction had influence on the organizational engagement with statistical significance at level 0.01 ; and 3) Results of qualitative analysis is consistant with the quantitative analysis results which can be described as the guidelines for enhancing the organizational engagement of the Generation Y employees was that organizational climate, leadership creation, and the focus on the development of organizational culture should be emphasized as these factors could lead to job satisfaction and the organizational engagement of the employees. These research findings can also be used for organizations in public and private sectors to determine a strategic plan for a more efficient development of organizational engagement of the Generation Y employees.


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How to Cite

Duangbubpha, C. . (2020). ANTECEDENTS AFFECTING ORGANIZATION ENGAGEMENT OF GENERATION Y EMPLOYEESIN GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BANK. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(6), 421–441. retrieved from



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