Buddhist principles, Reconciliation, Krabi power plant projectAbstract
This research article The objectives are as follows: 1) to study the concepts and theories related to conflict management of the Krabi Power Plant construction project, 2) to study the Buddhist principles of peace, suitable for the conflict management of the Krabi Power Plant Project, and 3) to apply the principles Buddhist peace methods to be used as a guideline to resolve conflicts in Krabi power plant construction project. This research is a qualitative research. By using the interview form using specific sampling Main informant Representing all stakeholders with the Krabi Power Plant Project, which are 1) conflicting groups, 2) agreed groups, 3) power plant scholars and experts, and 4) groups of monks and religious scholars. Pictures / people by analyzing the content and summarizing it as a whole The results of the research revealed that 1) the related concepts and theories, namely conflict, conflict management, peaceful methods and the power plant project in Krabi province, 2) principles of Buddhist peace, suitable for conflict management, including 6 types of merit, consisting of 1) mercy and acrobatics. 2) Metta Worship 3) Compassion of Conception 4) Public Commitment 5) Sila Ordinya and 6) Dharma Dharma Eye 3) Applying Buddhist principles for peaceful means There are 5 conflicts: 1) data such as seminars, methods, and Sangahavattham. 2) benefits such as ordinary eyes, Prato Jose and Yonisomanasikara. Theology, Method and Noble Truth 4 4) Relationships are Samphantha 4 Noble Truths and Middle Pathways, and 5) Structures such as Tinsawadak, Precepts and Middle Way.
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