
  • Wanthita Potisarn Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Somkid Sroinam Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Rewanee Chaichaowarat Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Characteristics of administration, , Vocational College, Excellence


The purposes of this research were to study, they were: characteristics of administrator for vocational college toward the excellence, occurring conditions, existence and consequences. The study was qualitative research designed grounded theory. The area of ​​study is an educational institution under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission which the administrator be accepted administration achievement excellence and achieved great success. Data collection methods by using in-depth interview, documentary analysis, observation and including checking the quality of the data. The key informants were selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling which were administrators, teachers and college staff students, parent's students, companies and college’s partnership organizations, total 30 persons. Data analysis was translation, interpretation and conceptualization used ATLAS.ti program. The results were as follows that the characteristics of administrator for vocational college toward the excellence consists of 2 characteristics which are 1) personality leadership which were 1.1) dedication and commitment 1.2) attention 1.3) morality, ethics 1.4) honesty, justice 1.5) discipline 1.6) communication skills 1.7) creativity 1.8) good personality 1.9) positive thinking and 2) administrative leadership which were 2.1) professional knowledge 2.2) self-development 2.3) modern knowledge 2.4) vision 2.5) high management standards 2.6) systematic work 2.7) time management 2.8) coordination 2.9) coaching  2.10) strategic thinking 2.11) decision 2.12) inspire. For the occurring conditions for the characteristics of administrator for vocational college toward the excellence which were social background, management experience and the academic qualifications. The existence which were vocational colleges policy, stability and patriotism and the results which were quality of vocational colleges and quality of teachers and educational personnel are excellent.


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How to Cite

Potisarn , W. ., Sroinam , S. ., & Chaichaowarat, R. (2020). CHARACTERISTICS OF ADMINISTRATOR FOR VOCATIONAL COLLEGE TOWARD THE EXCELLENCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(5), 328–345. Retrieved from



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