Development of Curriculum, Encourage Competency, Classroom Research, Participatory Action Research, Basic EducationAbstract
The purposes of this research article are 1) to study basic information for developing the curriculum, 2) to develop and check quality of the curriculum, 3) to implement the curriculum and 4) to assess the curriculum. The study is Research and Development that conducted into 4 steps: firstly, to study basic information concerning curriculum development, then develop and check quality of the curriculum, followed by implementing the curriculum, and the last step was to assess the curriculum. The step of implementing curriculum was conducted by four phases of Participatory Action Research: Plan, Act, Observe, and Reflect, with 30 teachers from Basic Education School. Instruments of the research comprise of classroom research curriculum, knowledge and comprehension test, skills test, and attitude test. The data was analyzed by using mean (), standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test. The research findings are; 1) basic information to the curriculum development is that teachers should have the necessary competencies of 6 topics: 1.1) Principle of classroom research, 1.2) Identifying research topic, 1.3) Identifying problem solving 1.4) Research methodology, 1.5) Research writing, and 1.6) Research dissemination. 2) The developed curriculum has 8 components as the following; rationale, curriculum objectives, key competencies, structure and contents of curriculum, process of curriculum development, timeline, instructional media, measurement and evaluation. 3) After implementing the curriculum, teachers had higher knowledge and comprehension, skills and attitude than before implementing the curriculum with statistical significance level of .05. And 4) the curriculum assessment: in terms of reactions found at good level, in terms of results found at very good level, while in terms of learning and behaviors teachers had a higher level than before implementing the curriculum with a statistical significance level of .05
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