Case Flow, Audit Quality, Profit Management, Accrual Transaction, The Stock Exchange of ThailandAbstract
The purposive of this research were to study the impact of cash flow and the quality work affecting profit management through accrual transaction of listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand was quantitative research. Using information from financial statements, annual report and annual registration statement (form 56-1) between 2014 and 2018. The sample group is 230 listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand and using random sampling method based on proportion of industry type. Using descriptive statistics such as maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics used for multiple regression analysis and techniques used to test the multiplicative conditions of variables including Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Tolerance and Variance Inflation Factor. The research found that ; the cash flow were operating activities, investment activities and financing activities had positive impact on the profit management through open items from business operations and accrual transaction at the discretion of the management of companies registered in the Stock Exchange of Thailand was at .01 statistical significance level. The quality of the audit is the size of the audit firm, examination fee and duration of service had positive impact on the profit management through accrual transaction from business operations and accrual items at the discretion of the management of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand was at .01statistical significance level. Therefore, once the business had been in operation for a while investors should check the results of operations on cash.
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