
  • Tanwalai Pisananan Udon Thani Rajabhat University


The Administration, Strategies, Primary Schools in The North Eastern, World - Class Standard


                The objectives of this research are to study needs, strategy development and management strategy assessment of elementary schools in the Northeastern region for meeting international standards. The research was conducted by using a mixed methodology that was divided into three phases: Phase 1: Needs study - The sample consisted of 385 school administrators who were selected by simple random sampling. The research instrument was a 5 - point rating scale questionnaire. The data were analyzed by finding out frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The needs were fount out by using. Phase 2: Strategy development - The researcher used the Delphi technique with 17 experts. Phase 3: Strategy assessment - The researcher determined the sample size with the same method as setting the sample and conducted a random sample as same as Phase 1. The research instrument used in Phrase 3 was a questionnaire surveying opinions on management strategy assessment of elementary schools in Northeastern region for meeting international standards. The questionnaire surveyed two aspects, including suitability and feasibility in practices, with following tools: Part 1 - General information of respondents (represented in the form of checklist) and Part 2 - The management strategy assessment of elementary schools in Northeastern region for meeting international standards. The questionnaire surveyed two aspects, including suitability and feasibility in practices. The research instrument was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire. The research results indicated that the needs for management of elementary schools in the Northeastern region for meeting international standards were at the highest level in the aspect of workforce focus, followed by measurement, analysis, knowledge management and process management, respectively. 2) The management strategy of elementary schools for meeting international standards consisted of 9 strategies, including 1) leadership strategy 2) strategic planning strategy 3) learner and stakeholder focus strategy 4) measurement, analysis and knowledge management strategies 5) focus strategy 6) process management strategy 7) key operations strategy 8) innovation and information strategy and 9) learner quality strategy. 3) The results of strategy assessment of elementary schools in the Northeastern region for meeting international standards had suitability and feasibility at a high level in all strategies.



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How to Cite

Pisananan, T. . (2020). THE ADMINISTRATION STRATEGIES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN THE NORTH EASTEARN TOWARD WORLD-CLASS STANDARD. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(9), 111–125. Retrieved from



Research Articles