
  • Lampruan Buaphian Kamphaengphet Rajabhat University
  • Soontaree Doungtipya Kamphaengphet Rajabhat University
  • Ratchanee Nithakorn Kamphaengphet Rajabhat University


Development Model, Problem, Moral and Ethics, Student in School Under Kamphaeng Phet Educational Service Area Office


                The Objectives of this research article were to: 1) Study the conditions, problems and factors related to moral and ethics development of students in school. 2) Develop moral and ethics development model of students in school. 3) Experiment and evaluation of the experiment using the moral and ethics development of students in school. This research uses the Mixed Methods Research. The tools used in the research were questionnaires. The sample consisted of school administrators and the teachers were the data providers of 353 people. The data analyzed by frequency, average, percentage, and standard deviation. The results of research were found as follows: 1) the conditions, problems and factors related to moral and ethics development of students in school found that the school has planning, appoint a committee, define operational procedures, meetings, and analyze information that is essential to operational planning. 2) Develop moral and ethics development model of students in school have 6 components which are 1) Principles of moral and ethics development model for students in school 2) Objectives moral and ethics development model for students in school 3) Curriculum of moral and ethics development model for students in school 4) Process of moral and ethics development model for students in school 5) Products and 6) Conditions of success. 3) The results of the develop moral and ethics development model of students in school found that 1) personnel have awareness and understanding in moral and ethics development. 2) Personnel can design activities for develop moral and ethics development model. 3) Students have knowledge and understanding about moral and ethics development. 4) Students practice moral and ethics development activities. 5) Students are satisfied with the moral and ethical development. 6) Activities that develop moral and ethics of students at a high level 7) Students have moral, ethics and desirable values 8) Confederate are satisfied with the moral and ethics development model of student's at a high level.


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How to Cite

Buaphian, L. ., Doungtipya, S. ., & Nithakorn, R. . (2020). MORALITY AND ETHICS DEVELOPMENT MODEL FOR STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS UNDER KAMPHAENG PHET EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(10), 315–332. Retrieved from



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