
  • ์Nipon Taburan Western University


Management Model, Marketing, Earnings Increase, Mitsubishi Motors


               The objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the condition of marketing management to increase the performance of Mitsubishi vehicles. 2) to develop a marketing management model in order to increase the performance of Mitsubishi vehicles. 3) to assess the feasibility and usefulness of a marketing management model to increase Mitsubishi vehicle turnover. The sample group was Mitsubishi dealerships executives. Obtained from the sample sizing tables for 144 people Crazy and Morgan. and Mitsubishi car buyers Which does not know the exact population method by using the W.G.Cochran formula for the sample of 400 people, the pattern was assessed by a group of 17 experts. Questionnaire Tool the statistics used for data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The condition of marketing management to increase the performance of Mitsubishi vehicles. The overall picture is at a high level. 2) Marketing management models to increase Mitsubishi vehicle performance, namely: 2.1) Increase Market Share as follows: 2.1.1) Visualization of showrooms and service centers 2.1.2) Increase in number and expansion of networks 2.1.3) Customer relationship management 2.1.4) Quality improvement of products or services 2.1.5) Human resource development 2.2) Change in management strategy as follows: 2.2.1) Emphasize the cost-effective use 2.2.2) Development of a parking guide system 2.2.3) Design quality 2.3 Products that take into account the benefits that consumers as follows: 2.3.1) Increasing number of car models 2.3.2) Presenting advanced technology 2.3.3) Social responsibility participation and environment 3) feasibility model assessment Usefulness The overall picture is at a high level.


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How to Cite

Taburan ์. (2020). MITSUBISHI MOTORS MARKETING MANAGEMENT MODEL. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 5(12), 373–387. Retrieved from



Research Articles