Community Development by Buddhist Integration, Integration, Sanap Thuep Sub-district Administration OrganizationAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the pattern of the community development by Buddhist Integration of Sanap Thuep Sub-district Administration Organization in Wang Noi, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province 2) study about the relationship between the 6 virtues of fraternal living or Salaniyadhamma Principles and the readiness of the community Development by Buddhist Integration of Sanap Thuep Sub-district Administration Organization in Wang Noi, PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, and 3) present the pattern of the community development by Buddhist Integration of SanapThuep Sub-district Administration Organization in Wang Noi, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province.This quantitative research consists of 39 staff and administrators as its targeted sample.The research instrument is 37 items of four-rating-scale questionnaires.The research result reveals that 1) the pattern of the community development by Buddhist integration of Sanap Theup Sub-district Administration Organization in Wang Noi District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province is overall in a high level and is also in a high level when being considered in each aspect. The highest level of the opinion falls on the aspect of ‘Administration with Kind Speech’, while the lowest level of the opinion falls on ‘the aspect of ‘Administration with Sharing to Public Mindset’, 2) the result of the examination of the correlation between the staff and the administrators in community development by Buddhist Integration using the 6 virtues of fraternal living or Salaniyadhamma Principles and the readiness of the community development by Buddhist Integration shows a positive correlation with the readiness of the community development by Buddhist Integration at the significant level of .01, and 3) the pattern of overall community development by Buddhist integration shows proper Buddhist integration to develop SanapThuep Sub-district Administration Organization to be a proper community development by Buddhist integration.
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