
  • Siriporn Poolsuwan Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Jetsalid Angsukanjanakul Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Komon Paisal Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand


Factors, Information Behaviors, The Second Army Area Personnel


          This article aims to study the levels of information behaviors; the effect of information needs, information seeking and searching, use of information, and environmental context influencing on information behaviors; and guidelines for promoting of information behaviors of the personnel of the Second Army Area. This research employed a mixed research methodology combining quantitative and qualitative methods. . In the quantitative research part, the sample size was determined based on the criterion of 20 times the observed variables. They were selected via multi-stage sampling. Data was collected from 320 of the 21st – 210th Military Circles personnel by questionnaire and analyzed with a structural equation model. As for the qualitative research component, in-depth interviews were conducted with 17 key informants from high-ranking commanding officers of Royal Thai Army; the 2nd Army Area ; and the Military Circle in the Second Army Area. They were selected by purposive sampling. The data were then analyzed with content analysis. The findings showed that: 1) information behaviors of the Second Army Area personnel was high level; 2) the environmental context had the greatest overall influence on information behaviors of the Second Army Area personnel, followed by information seeking and searching, information needs, and use of information, respectively; and 3) the guidelines for promoting of information behaviors of the Second Army Area personnel were 3.1) development of knowledge in terms of techniques and methods, and laws; 3.2) assignment of clear duties and tasks to personnel; 3.3) provision of sufficient budget and tools for the use of information system; 3.4) installation of a high-speed Internet and Wi-Fi network; 3.5) cooperation between the army and the private sector in the development of information system programs; 3.6) establishment of communication channels for personnel in the unit; and 3.7) rotation of personnel which enabled each officer to learn information system of the unit.


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How to Cite

Poolsuwan, S., Angsukanjanakul, J., & Paisal, K. (2021). FACTORS OF INFORMATION BEHAVIORS OF PERSONNEL IN THE SECOND ARMY AREA . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(2), 220–238. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/247718



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