
  • Benjarong Tirapalika Naresuan University, Thailand
  • Orawan Sirisawat Apichayakul Naresuan University, Thailand
  • Watcharabon Buddharaksa Naresuan University, Thailand


Twitter, Virtual Community, Self-Presentation, Connection, The Group with Diverse Sexual Tastes


          The research paper aims to understand the communication of groups with diverse sexual testes via Twitter. And study the composition of the Twitter community that components support community of groups with diverse sexual testes demographic. Nowadays, we can meet groups with diverse sexual testes everywhere in the TV media, movies, social media, and on the expression of their own identity, the need to be perceived or negotiation of society. In this study, the researcher chose the concept of social networking, community, and new media online as a framework for analyzing the results. And use the access method through a Netnography approach via Twitter with 20 people with diverse sexual tastes. The criteria for the selection and elimination by the satisfaction of participants The study found that the elements that make Twitter are a channel for gathering groups of people with diverse tastes., comprising two reasons.  1) Twitter offers great freedom in expressing yourself through images or videos or the use of specific terms and symbols. And 2) Twitter algorithm. It is one of the great tools. Also, Twitter is a significant channel for groups with diverse sexual tastes due to the basic features of Twitter that open up the freedom of communication between people, be it images or video clips. Therefore, the researcher can conclude that Twitter is another channel for the group with diverse sexual tastes to create anonymous relationships and self-presentation with a feeling of security.


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How to Cite

Tirapalika, B., Apichayakul, O. S. ., & Buddharaksa, W. (2021). TWITTER: SELF-PRESENTATION, VIRTUAL COMMUNITY, AND CONNECTION OF THE GROUP WITH DIVERSE SEXUAL TASTES ON THE TWITTER . Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(7), 399–414. Retrieved from



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