Folk Plays, Thai Phuan Ethnic Groups, WellnessAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to 1) investigate Thai Phuan traditional folk play affecting the enhancement of the ethnic well-being in 6 dimensions: nutrition, fresh air, excretion, exercise, emotion, and Anapanasati Meditation in Thai Phuan ethnic groups Thailand; 2) study and select 3 Phuan folk play activities enhancing the well-being of Thai phuan ethnic groups in Thailand; and 3) analyze the components of cultural technology in Phuan’s folk play related to the enhancement of the well-being Thai phuan ethnic groups in Thailand’s. This research was the qualitative research methodology an in-depth interview The 50 samples were used in this research which were selected by purposive sampling was the key informants. Step 2 selected and a demonstration of 3 Thai Phuan folk play on Value and relationship with 6 dimensions.Used an activities together Making 500 copies of a questionnaire to create data collection tool in the quanlitative research then data was computed by factor analysis statistic and 5 steps improved 1) Also check the preliminary agreement by KMO and Barlett’s Test 2) Extracting elements Consider Eigen Value 3) Consider the element weight value 4) Rotate an element axis on Orthogonal with Varimax Method 5) Set the name of element.The findings revealed that Ban Phuan folk play called Lam-Phuan, Ma Ka Leng Keng Kap and Nang Kwak had relationship with 6 dimensions of the well-being. The components of cultural technology in Phuan‘s folk play related to the enhancement of the well-being in Thailand comprised 6 elements.
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