
  • Prajob Khwanman Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University
  • Jarunan Khwannan Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University
  • Khwanchai Khuana Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


The Operating Status on Establishing a School, Problems of School Management, Establishment Guidelines of Satit School, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


            The objectives of this research article were to 1) investigate the states and the problems of school management and the needs of establishing Satit School of Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University and 2) to explore the guidelines on the establishment of the school of Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University. This research primarily utilizes surveys entailing questionnaires regarding the operational problems and the needs to establish the Satit School. Data were analyzed through various descriptive statistics (calculations of means, standard deviations, and frequencies). The results indicate that, firstly, operational problems on the establishment of Satit School based on educational administration framework at 5 fronts are of high level. This entails academic problems, calculated to 60.00 percent, budgetary problems, calculated to 55.00 percent, personnel problems, calculated to 62.50 percent, general management problem, calculated to 53.70 percent, and educational quality assurance problems estimated to 50.00 percent. On the need to establish the Satit School, it is also found that academic personnel of Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University, student parental and residential needs of the people who live in Muaeng Kamphaengphet district are at a high level. And, secondly, guidelines on the establishment of the school, on academic aspects, the target of the curriculum should be more clearly defined. A budgetary plan should be made according to the policy and development plan. The qualification should be defined to recruit new teachers, executives, and university personnel. For the university’s rules and regulations on school management and operation, notification on school establishment, regulations, operational manual of School, and educational quality assurance guidelines should be issued. Internal quality assurance of the Ministry of Education and the Office of Basic Education Commission should also be adapted to conform to the Ministerial Regulation on Educational Quality Assuranc.


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How to Cite

Khwanman, P., Khwannan, J., & Khuana, K. (2021). GUIDELINE ON HOW TO ESTABLISH SATHIT (DEMONSTRATION) SCHOOL OF KAMPHAENG PHET RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(12), 138–152. retrieved from



Research Articles