Educational Technology, Platform, Online Classroom ManagementAbstract
Due to the current situation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) epidemic, the process of online learning management through the Internet network has been created. Therefore, teachers, as the persons who transfer knowledge to learners, must be adapted and promptly prepare skills to deal with new learning management methods. Besides, they must be always ready to deal with any uncertain situation that may arise. Teachers, therefore, need to prepare and understand the skills of learning management through the Internet or various platforms that rely on classroom management which is different from the normal classroom in an educational institution. The skills in transferring knowledge of the instructor are really important in teaching management. Instructors’ skills in transferring knowledge are especially important in teaching leadership. Whether it is a lesson plan, teaching materials, teaching techniques, classroom management through online networks, creating technology innovations for education, and creativity that results in a lifelong learning approach, this leads to online teaching design and an appropriate selection of educational technology. Education in this new era requires learning channels and channels for teaching and assessment online that are diverse and effective and also considering the needs of learners, course objectives, and content of the course. In addition, it requires channels for distributing the content of teachers to learners through all platforms and all learning styles to meet the objectives of defining the condition for the course assessment, and requirement for learning the course and to develop teaching styles both in the classroom and in an online format to effectively serve the needs of modern education that meet the needs of the learners and communicate teachers’ knowledge to the learners comprehensively.
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