
  • Arthit Boonrodchu


Social capital, Caring for the elderly, Elderly


           The objectives of this research article were to 1) to study the community context in terms of physical, social, cultural, and structure related to elderly care; 2) to study the situation, problems and needs of the elderly; 3) to study social capital for the care of the elderly. Use a mixed methods research. The total population in the research was 701 people. The research sample used the whole population as a sample group. The respondents in this study consisted of 40 people. The tool used for data collection was the Secondary Data Study to study the community context. Interview and group discussion Elderly care system development operator, 8 people, interview and group discussion form general elderly To study the situation, problems and needs of 8 elderly people, interview and group discussion form. Related persons or those who provide care for the elderly, 24 people. Data record form. About Social Capital Search and take the data from the interview in the form of qualitative data analysis With the Miles and Huberman method, it is divided into 3 steps: data attenuation, data visualization and summary. The results showed that Khiriwong sub-district has a semi-rural society and is dependent. People have a kinship relationship. Elderly people in Khiriwong sub-district face environmental problems. Improper disposal of waste still lacking a place to exercise. There are some health behaviors that are not yet appropriate. There are social capital to care for the elderly that are not yet covered at all levels. And when taking social capital into consideration according to the elderly care standards, it was found that Khiri Wong sub-district is still not comprehensive. Therefore, the information of social capital in caring for the elderly can be used to develop an efficient and appropriate care system for the elderly according to the context. In Khiriwong sub-district next.


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How to Cite

Boonrodchu, A. (2021). SOCIAL CAPITAL FOR ELDERLY CARE, KHIRIWONG SUBDISTRICT PLAIPRAYA DISTRICT KRABI PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(12), 651–668. Retrieved from



Research Articles