
  • patthamaporn srinet Mahasarakham University
  • Suwat Julsuwan Mahasarakham University


Model, Non-formal Education in Sub-district, Quality Development


          The objectives of this research article were: 1) to create the Non - formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development.    2) evaluation the forms of Non - formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development. This study was a research and development. The research consisted of 2 phases of procedures: Phasse 1: create the Non -formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development. Documents and research findings of concept and the theories in the administration including the study of 3 best practice institutions and interviewing of 9 experts in order to Medel, create and validating the Non - formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development of 9 experts for evaluate model by purposive sampling. Phasse. 2: evaluation the forms of Non -formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development of 9 experts for evaluate model by purposive sampling. The research instruments wear the Non - formal Education Model in Sub-district for Education Quality Development, Semistructured Interview form and five - point Rating Scale evaluation form. The statistics used for data analysis were mean,standard deviation and content analysis. The findings were as follows: 1) The Non - formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development were found that there were 5 elements; 1) principles 2) purposes 3) process 4) performance evaluation and 5) success condition. 2) The results of Performance evaluation of Non - formal Education Model in Sub - district for Education Quality Development were found propriety, was in high level, feasibility and utility was in the highest level.


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How to Cite

srinet, patthamaporn, & Julsuwan, S. (2021). NON-FORMAL EDUCATION MODELS IN SUB - DISTRICT FOR EDUCATIONAL QUALITY DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(11), 408–420. Retrieved from



Research Articles