
  • Varangkana Chitraphan Sripatum University


Distribution Channels, Drug and Medical Supplies, Marketing Strategy, Logistics and Supply Chain


        The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the influence of the causal factors of drug and medical supplies physical distribution affecting the drug and medical retailers performance, and 2) examine the coherence of the causal factor model of drug and medical supplies physical distribution affecting the drug and medical supplies retailers performance. Mixed - Method The population used in this research was drug and medical supplies, retailers. Classified by type of retail stores registered, collecting information from managers or representatives responsible for drug and medical supplies retailers. The populations for this study were 400 people. The samples used in the research were using a multistage sampling method. Data were collected from June - August 2018. Testing the conformity of the hypothetical model with the empirical data revealed that the model was consistent with the empirical data. This was determined by the statistical values ​​used to check the consistency between the model and the empirical data. At 0.86, The results show that the main hypothesis that the developed model harmonizes with the empirical data consistent with the analysis results. The results of the analysis of the structural equation model analysis based on the hypothesis were shown that 1) drug and medical supplies distribution system had a positive direct influence on the drug and medical supplies physical distribution/drug and medical supplies retailers performance, 2) drug and medical supplies partner group had a positive direct influence on the drug and medical supplies physical distribution/drug and medical supplies retailers performance, 3) marketing strategy had a positive direct influence on the drug and medical supplies retailers performance, and 4) drug and medical supplies physical distribution had a positive direct influence on the drug and medical supplies retailers performance. This study can be further leveraged by categorizing retailers by business size for comparison purposes and find best practices.


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How to Cite

Chitraphan, V. . (2022). CAUSAL FACTORS OF THE DRUG AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION AFFECTING RETAILERS PERFORMANCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(2), 258–274. Retrieved from



Research Articles