
  • Settha Veerathunmanon Srinakarintaravirot University
  • Noppadol Inchan Srinakarintaravirot University
  • Kittikorn Nopudomphan Srinakarintaravirot University
  • Porawan Pattayanon Srinakarintaravirot University


Designating a Film City, Diamond Diagram, Thai context identity


The objectives of this research article were to investigates the suitable film city models for Thailand and studies the identity and cultural elements that link to the establishment of the filming city. This paper is divided into 3 phases:                1) Searching the knowledge body from prototype film cities; 2) Sketching of Thai movie city models reflecting the Thai identity and cultural elements, and                  3) Conducting an opinion survey on the movie city. The results found that:                          1) factors support the formulation of the film city model includes 1.1) Operational factors - modern technologies and capacity of the Thai personnel are equivalent to the global standard. The filming location is considered the "TOP Location" of the world. Public utilities are competitive compared to neighboring countries.                  1.2) Market demand factors - filming from overseas tends to increase. 1.3) Related and supportive industries - Thailand has a large movie studio supporting international operations with relevant businesses. 1.4) Organizational strategy, structure, and competition - the government encourage investors for filming by 15% of the money back from the government and the easing permission. 2) Thai movie city should be located in Chonburi province, with an inclusive service (pre, during, and post filmings) along with facilities and amusement parks; it should contain 6 areas, studio, car parks & office, the scene in the water, forest & urban areas, miniature scene, and cultural promotion area for tourists. 3) Identity of the film city must be expressed in a playful Thai tradition, Thai food, scenes, spaces and theatre reflecting the Thai culture. This includes a team of Thai people who are smiley, have good hearts, love to help others, flexible, and full of everything, both work and play.


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How to Cite

Veerathunmanon, S. ., Inchan, N. ., Nopudomphan, K. ., & Pattayanon, P. (2022). DESIGNATING A FILM CITY IN A THAI CONTEXT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(3), 393–406. Retrieved from



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