
  • Sasitorn Wachirapanyapong Rajabhat Thepsatri University


The Success Indicators, Online Retails Business Management, New Normal Era


          The objectives of this article were to study the success indicators of online retails business management in new normal era. This research was carried out through used mixed method methodology research. Collected by an 278 online questionnaire among entrepreneurs online retailers and 5 people were interviewed, a total of 283. Data analysis using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to examine validity of success indicators and fit between observed data and an a prior conceptualized, theoretically grounded model. The result found that the success indicators of online retails business in new normal era it consists of 4 scorecards, respectively, were analyzed as follows: 1) Internal process indicator including product, perception of technology usage, distribution channels, 2) Customer indicator including user behavior, perception of benefits of technology usage, customer, 3) Learning and Growth indicator including usage experience, after - sales service and 4) Finance indicator including sales and profit. The consistency and harmony of the model and empirical data for all 4 scorecards were examined as following: gif.latex?^{\chi&space;2} = 18.930, df = 14, gif.latex?^{\chi&space;2}/df = 1.352, P - value = .168, CFI = .998 and the Goodness of Fit is .986. And the Coefficient predicts the success in business development is between .462 to .980, explains the variance of the success in business development between 46.2% to 98.0%. The factor loading was found a standard level with the statistical significance of .05. It could be used in the measurement of the success indicators of online retails business management in new normal era. Defined as a process based on the PDCS system in 5 steps, covers the detailed requirements for assessing success as follows: 1) goals per indicator, 2) period, 3) responsible person, 4) analyzed results by individual indicators, and 5) used to develop work that for the success of online retail business.


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How to Cite

Wachirapanyapong, S. (2021). THE SUCCESS INDICATORS OF ONLINE RETAILS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 6(12), 607–619. retrieved from



Research Articles