Work Safety, operational climate, Work-Life BalanceAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to 1) the levels of work safety, operational climate, and work-life balance of food industrial factory employees in Pathumthani Province., 2) the effects of work safety and operational climate on work-life balance of food industrial factory employees in Pathumthani Province. The quantitative research method with questionnaires as tools. The population are employees working in food industrial factories in Pathumthani Province, a total of 376 factories. Sampling from 193 factories, a sample of 385 subjects, using simple sampling. Data was analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that: 1) the levels of work safety, operational climate and work-life balance of food industrial factory employees in Pathumthani Province., in all aspects was at a high level, with work safety as the highest significant level, followed by operational climate and work-life balance at the average of 3.89, 3.87, 3.85 respectively; 2) the effects of work safety and operational climate on work-life balance of food industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province, effect forecasted a positive Standardized Coefficients. Work safety (β = 0.444, p-value = .000), operational climate (β = 0.511, p-value = .000) effected work-life balance of food industrial factory employees in Pathumthani province. about Leader's behavior, internal management, working standard reasonable compensation and good working environment. Forecasting results obtained a positive multiple correlation coefficient (R) of .898, a forecast coefficient (R2) of .806, a forecast value of 80.6%, with the statistically significant level at 0.01.
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