Information system, Learning Standards, Basic Education Core CurriculumAbstract
The objectives of this research article were to; 1) develop an information system for evaluating the competencies of learners following the learning standards of the Basic Education Core Curriculum; and 2) study the effectiveness of using the information system to evaluate the competencies of learners following the learning standards of the Basic Education Core Curriculum. Which is research and development. The population of this study contained the school administrators, teachers, and students at Navamindarajudis Krungthepmahanakhon School. The sample consisted of those who utilize the information system at Navamindarajudis Krungthepmahanakhon School. This sample size was 158 individuals selected using purposive sampling. Those were 9 education administrators including 1 school director, 3 deputy school directors, and 5 head of subject department; 23 teachers from 5 departments which their contents used in the national Basic Education examination which were 4 teachers from Mathematics department, 4 teachers from Thai Language department, 5 teachers from Social Studies department, 4 teachers from Foreign Languages department, and 6 teachers from Science department; and 126 students from 4 classrooms. The research tools used in this project were the followings: 1) the information system for evaluating the competencies of learners following the learning standards of the Basic Education Core Curriculum; and 2) a questionnaire to assess the effectiveness of the information system for evaluating the competencies of learners following the learning standards of the Basic Education Core Curriculum. The standard deviation was collected and analyzed. The research revealed that 1) the information systems for evaluating the competencies of learners following the learning standards of the Basic Education Core Curriculum, including a user database of users; administers, teachers, and students; and a database of examination papers in during the academic year 2016-2018 could finally be obtained; and 2) the effectiveness of the information system indicated the high level in overall.
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