
  • Siriprapa Promma National Institute of Development Administration
  • Montree Socatiyanurak National Institute of Development Administration


Public-private partnerships, Vocational education management, Dual vocational education, Organization performance evaluation, Performance Prism model


The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the components of public - private partnership and 2) analyze the relationship between the public - private sectors in the production of labor between vocational schools and the industrial sector in accordance with the needs. The research used a quantitative research methodology to study and analyze the components of cooperation between the public and private sectors in the production of labor between the vocational schools and the industrial sector from researching documents, theories and related research both in the country and abroad. The details of each component were determined according to the 5 - facet prism organization's performance evaluation model, using a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. Specific sampling was used to select the sample group. The study areas were private vocational schools that managed the dual vocational education system in the central region, the eastern region and Bangkok, 58 places. The sample consisted of administrators, teachers and personnel of private vocational schools, officers and trainers of enterprises related to the bilateral vocational management system of the aforementioned educational institutions, 6 persons per school, totaling 348 persons. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, exploratory component analysis and structural equation model analysis. The results showed that the components associated with public - private partnerships in bilateral vocational education management were attitude components towards public - private partnerships and the exchange of knowledge, in which both components had a correlation coefficient (r) with each other at 0.837, showing that the two components were highly correlated in a positive way. In this regard, the government has an indirect role in helping to support and encourage educational institutions and enterprises to cooperate until reaching the goal of sustainable cooperation in the future.


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How to Cite

Promma, S., & Socatiyanurak, M. . (2022). PUBLIC - PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN THE CONTEXT OF COOPERATION FOR LABOR PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(6), 239–254. Retrieved from



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