
  • Siradech Surit Kasetsart University
  • Kantitut Tubsuwan Kasetsart University


Hemp Fiber, Sound Absorber, Computer Simulation, Appropriate Technology


The objectives of this research article were to study the mix ratio of hemp fibers and binders use in the production and for the parametric design of the sound-absorbing panels in the building, focusing on the production with appropriate technology at the community level. This creates a supply chain for utilizing hemp in the construction industry. Sound-absorbing materials are building engineering components that can add value to composite hemp products. Although the design of most sound-absorbing composites requires high-tech measuring instruments, the production process can use community-based technology. This research therefore consists of two steps: 1) a study of the appropriate composition of 3 types of binders, Natural rubber (Para-Rubber), Plaster (Lime), and Latex, a total of 60 samples. The relationship between density and Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) was investigated. The study was performed in the acoustic frequency range of 150 Hz to 5 kHz. Then, 2) the product parameterization design was studied to obtain an efficient shape and suitable for use as a sound-absorbing material in buildings and suitable for a low-pressure-heat process to present the production process by Using technology suitable for a community production. Research has shown that a plaster-based hemp composite with 0.40 gram per cubic centimeter density has the best sound-absorbing properties. The NRC is 0.43, and the resulting mixture can be used to produce a fully-functional prototype using ABS molded materials made from a 3D printer, enabling the model to be adapted to the needs and identity of the community further to develop the supply chain at the industrial level.


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How to Cite

Surit, S., & Tubsuwan , K. (2022). MANUFACTURING GUIDELINE OF AN ACOUSTIC ABSORBER FROM HEMP FIBER WITH APPROPRIATED TECHNOLOGY IN COMMUNITY. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(6), 1–16. Retrieved from



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