
  • Natthita Chumpraman Hatyai University
  • Prachoom Rodprasert Hatyai University
  • Jaras Atiwithayaporm Hatyai University


Leadership Factors, School Administrators, Primary School Quality, Three Southern Border Provinces


The Objectives of this research article were to 1) study the level of leadership of primary school administrators in the three southern border provinces 2) study the quality of primary schools in the three southern border provinces 3) study the factors of leadership of school administrators that affect Quality of primary schools in the three southern border provinces 4) Examine the leadership factors of school administrators affecting the quality of primary schools in the three southern border provinces. Mixed research method The research sample consisted of 286 people, namely school administrators, teachers, school committees. Stratified sampling The tool used the questionnaire, interview form, the confidence value was .963 using software packages for analysis, including mean, standard deviation Pearson correlation coefficient Multiple regression analysis direct influence The corroborative component was tested. The results showed that 1) the level of school administrators leadership influenced the quality of primary schools. The overall picture is at a high level. The highest mean is in human relations. The mean is 4.48 2) Quality of primary schools in the three southern border provinces The overall picture is good. In terms of management process, the mean was 3.97          3) Leadership factors of school administrators affected the quality of primary schools. The forecast for the best predictor was leadership, morality and ethics, together to predict the leadership factors of school administrators affecting the quality of primary schools by 22.40 percent. It was statistically significant at .01 level. The hypothesis was that the leadership of the school administrators in at least one aspect had an effect on the quality of primary schools. Forecast in raw score format as follows: Raw score Ŷ=1.474 +.230 (Ethic) + .339 (Leadership) Standard score Ž = .213(Ethic) + .293 (Leadership) 4) Considering the confirmation component, it was found that it was consistent with the empirical data through the criteria. The index value was CMIN/p = 22.605 df = 1.610 P = .067 GFI = .982, RMSEA = .047 CFI = .995 AGFI = .995 TLI = .991 RMR = .008 CN = 298


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How to Cite

Chumpraman, N. ., Rodprasert , P. . ., & Atiwithayaporm, J. (2022). LEADERSHIP FACTORS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AFFECTING PRIMARY SCHOOL QUALITY IN THE THREE SOUTHERN BORDER PROVINCES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(8), 473–488. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSBA/article/view/260489



Research Articles