
  • Pradabsri Pintuto Srinakharinwirot University
  • Kanokporn Vibulpatanavong Srinakharinwirot University
  • Chanida Mitranun Srinakharinwirot University


Program, Language, Cochlear Implant


The objectives of this research article were to two-fold. First, to investigate the present situation, problems, and approaches to promoting language proficiency among pre-school children with cochlear implants. Second, to create a program outline to promote language proficiency among pre-school children with cochlear implants. A total of 30 purposively selected participants in this qualitative research included parents, teachers, pediatric cochlear implant specialists. Focus group interview questions were employed for data gathering and analysis. The findings revealed that, at present, parents act as the main persons who promote their children’s language proficiency in collaboration with inclusive teachers and pediatric cochlear implant specialists. The challenges incurred could be divided into 3 areas including 1) inclusive teachers’ lack of knowledge and understanding of inclusive teaching and lack of communication with parents, 2) parents’ lack of knowledge and understanding of how to prepare their children for preschool, 3) experts and teachers’ inability of co-teaching the children. However, similar guidelines from all 3 groups suggested that teachers should be present in the classroom for collaborative teaching. 2) the program has been developed with the participation of teachers and parents in terms of learning management which integrates teaching speaking with listening based on teaching techniques for children with cochlear implants, and in terms of pre - class preparation by parents.


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How to Cite

Pintuto, P., Vibulpatanavong , K., & Mitranun , C. . (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF A LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY PROMOTION PROGRAM FOR PRESCHOOLERS WITH COCHLEAR IMPLANTS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(8), 535–547. Retrieved from



Research Articles