
  • Sugris Limphothong North-Chiang Mai University


Leadership, Strategic Leadership, Strategic Leadership Model


The objectives of this research article were to 1) Study the general characteristics of the samples and the importance of factors influencing the development of strategic leadership 2) develop a strategic leadership model for Thai industrial factories; 3) examine the practical suitability of a strategic leadership model for Thai industrial factories. It was a mixed methods research, the research tools were questionnaires and interviews. For the quantitative research, the samples were 480 industrial factories, random sampling by non-probabilistic type and purposive sampling method. And qualitative research was done by in-depth interview and                 a purposive sampling method of 3 experts in strategic management was randomized. Research data was analyzed using descriptive statistics research. and inferential statistics research. The research results found that most of the samples were medium-sized enterprises, having a business period of 5 - 10 years, having an annual revenue less than 100 million baht, and were located in the Krungthep Mahanakorn. They focused on the factors influencing the success of strategic leadership development, namely the creation of strategic challenges, strategic leadership, coaching, succession of strategic leadership development, building of a collaboration and building of a trust. Overall average value was at the very much up to most levels. As for the strategic leadership model for Thai industrial factories, it was found that it consisted of 6 main components, namely 1) Strategic Leadership 2) Strategic Challenge Creation 3) Coaching 4) Confidence Building 5) Collaboration and                               6) Success of Strategic Leadership Development., It was statistically significant at the .05 level and practically appropriate.


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How to Cite

Limphothong , S. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP MODEL FOR THAI INDUSTIAL FACTORIES. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(9), 61–79. Retrieved from



Research Articles