
  • Jamjuree Jitrsangkom The College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University
  • Vissanu Zumitzavan The College of Local Administration, Khon Kaen University


Community Fund Management Center, Success Level, Community Fund Management, Household Debt Management


The objectives of this research article were to propose guidelines for improving the success of a community fund to address problems of household debt in Chaiyaphum Province. This study used qualitative methods of data collection including documentary research, and in-depth interviews with key informants. The interviewees were representatives of the committees of 4 community fund management centers in Chaiyaphum Province. Community Development Scholar from the District Community Development Office Representative of the Community Fund Project Members total of 12 people.The information from the interviews was processed using thematic analysis.The analysis identified factors affecting the success of household debt management by the Community Fund Management Centers in Chaiyaphum Province. This information was used to propose operational guidelines and areas of support from the Department of Community Development, both at the central and provincial levels. Implementation of activities in the form of group committees and participation of people in the community are important factors in the success of the Community Fund. In addition, the researcher analyzed the comparative level of success in household debt management of the Community Fund Management Centers in Chaiyaphum Province. Based on the findings, the researcher was able to develop a model debt management process in the community context. A key aspect is to help participants to help themselves by reducing the interest rate of loans, and adjust the period for the borrower to be able to repay the loan which found guidelines for the development of success in household debt management of the Community Fund Management Center Building knowledge and understanding of operational guidelines. The connection between government personnel and community leaders Continuing activities and evaluation to determine the direction of development, promotion and support for community money management of the Community Fund Management Center. to be effective


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How to Cite

Jitrsangkom, J., & Zumitzavan, V. . (2022). THE MANAGEMENT SUCCESS OF THE COMMUNITY FUNDS IN CHAIYAPHUM. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(9), 104–118. Retrieved from



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