
  • Phrakru Sangharak Weeravat Weeravattano Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus
  • Phramaha Weerasak Suramati Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus
  • Kamal Butchari Mahamakut Buddhist University Lanna Campus


New knowledge, Anti-corruption, Activities and Buddhist Principles


The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the knowledge of anti-corruption through activities and Buddhist principles in Chiang Mai area,                2) develop the knowledge in anti-corruption through activities and Buddhist principles, and 3) contribute the knowledge in anti-corruption by using activities and Buddhist principles in Chiang Mai Area. This research model is mixed-method research: quantitative research and qualitative research. The research population group consisted of students, Buddhist scholars, teachers, staff, and administrators with a total of 413 participants. The research instrument were questionnaires, interview forms, and training assessment forms. The results found that 1) a body of knowledge in anti-corruption by using activities and Buddhist principles for solving the problem of preventing fraud activities by creating a body of knowledge in the law and the clarity of the jurisprudence process, complaint adjustment, or various problems; 2) developing a body of knowledge in anti-corruption, grooming quality officers with legal training related to the controlling of corruption and misconduct so that the personnel's theoretical knowledge is in the same direction, they believe in the principles and fair and fair performance according to the law; 3) the presentation on anti-corruption found that activities to create a body of knowledge in the law and the clarity of the jurisprudence, the process to make a complaint adjustment, or problems that arise in society to adjust a good attitude towards the legal process, strengthening the network and continuing to be organized in conjunction with teaching and learning in the classroom or in related courses.


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How to Cite

Weeravattano , P. S. W. ., Suramati , P. W. ., & Butchari, K. . (2022). STUDYING KNOWLEDGE IN AN ANTI-CORRUPTION BY ACTIVITIES AND BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES IN CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(9), 438–449. Retrieved from



Research Articles