
  • Pratungvit Chotsuriya Western University, Thailand
  • Pichaya U-Thairatana Western University, Thailand


Management, Success, Country Band


The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the problems in the management of Thai Country music Bands; 2) study the success model in the management of Thai Country music Bands. And 3) study the successful approach in the management of Thai Country music Bands. It is qualitative research. Data were also collected from 3 groups of key informants, namely national artists; The executives of the Thai Country music Bands of various departments, the bandleader. There were 8 Thai Country music Bands, singers, and academics in Thai Country music songs. The instrument used to collect data was the interview form. The results of the study found that 1) Problems in the management of Thai country music bands. The luk thung band had to modify the luk thung band to be in line with the changes of the era. Presentations show in line with technology and innovation. The basic characteristics of Thai luk thung bands are unique. Outstanding focus on fun Leaders must be professional managers. Taking into account the benefits of the audience and the team, Change the way the music is presented. Maintain financial liquidity Caring for employees in health The development of modern equipment Establish a concrete marketing system. 2) Success in the management of Thai luk thung bands. Liquidity finances generate higher incomes. Build and maintain a customer base The products are different. Employees work as a team and manage in a systematic way. 3) Guidelines for success in managing Thai luk thung bands. Creating an ad idea by differentiation will help create recognition for your promotional audience. A country band or singer has to build a talented advertising team. Should focus on direct marketing, fast communication, and close sales immediately, saving time and reducing costs.


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How to Cite

Chotsuriya, P. ., & U-Thairatana, P. . (2022). SUCCESSFUL STYLES OF MANAGING THAI COUNTRY MUSIC BANDS. Journal of Buddhist Anthropology, 7(12), 832–848. Retrieved from



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