Development of the mathematics learning achievement in solving of derivative problems topic for grade-12 students base on CIPPA model emphasizing Polya's problem solving processes

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Rachun Khaokunchon
Oomsin Saensri
Paweena Khansila
Prapaporn Nongharnpituk


The objectives of this study were to: 1) develop mathematics learning lesson plans in solving of derivative problems topic for Grade - 12 students base on CIPPA model emphasizing Polya's problem solving processes with efficiency according to criteria of 70/70, 2) study the effectiveness index of lesson plans,          3) to compare learning achievement before and after learning by using the developed lesson plans, and       4) evaluate students’ satisfied toward instruction. The target group included 26 Grade - 12 students, Champamongwittayakarn School, in the second semester of the 2019 academic year. The samples this research were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments of this study consisted of:  1) the lesson management plans, 2) mathematics learning achievement test, and 3) satisfaction rating scale form. The study indicated that: 1) the efficiency of the lesson plans in solving of in solving of derivative problems topic for Grade-12 students based on CIPPA model emphasizing Polya's problem solving processes produced were 73.65/74.25 which was higher than the determination criteria 70 /70, 2) the effectiveness index toward instruction was 0.5890, 3) the learning achievement score for the post-test (mean=14.85, S.D.=2.65)   was statistically significantly higher than that of the pre-test (mean=7.46, S.D.=3.61)   at the 0.05level, and 4) the students were satisfied with learning outcome approach in the highest level (mean=4.62, S.D.=0.62).

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How to Cite
Khaokunchon, R., Saensri, O., Khansila, P., & Nongharnpituk, P. (2020). Development of the mathematics learning achievement in solving of derivative problems topic for grade-12 students base on CIPPA model emphasizing Polya’s problem solving processes. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 3(2), 116–124. retrieved from
Research Articles in Science Education


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