A study of learning achievement in the applications of derivative topic for Grade-12 students taught by incorporating GeoGebra program into mathematics problem-solving based on Polya's method

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Janejira Kanachan
Katiya Kaewkhamson
Prapaporn Nongharnpituk
Paweena Khansila


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the efficiency of lesson plans in the applications of derivative topic for grade-12 students by incorporating GeoGebra program into mathematics problem-solving based on Polya's method with efficiency according to criteria of 75/75, 2) to compare learning achievement before and after learning by using the developed lesson plans and 3) to study the satisfactions of grade-12 students toward this learning management. The sample group was 40 grade-12 students studying at Muang Somdet School, in the second semester of the 2019 academic year, received by cluster random sampling.  The research instruments included 1) learning management plans, 2) the achievement test, and 3) satisfaction rating scale form. The study results showed that 1) the efficiency of these lesson plans were 79.92/77.63 aligned with the determination criteria 75 /75, 2) the learning achievement score for the post-test(mean = 8.63, S.D. = 2.75)   was statistically significantly higher than that of the pre-test(mean=15.53, S.D. = 2.18) at the 0.05 level, and 3) the satisfactions of students toward instruction approach were at high level(mean=3.88, S.D. = 0.62).

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How to Cite
Kanachan, J., Kaewkhamson, K., Nongharnpituk, P., & Khansila, P. (2020). A study of learning achievement in the applications of derivative topic for Grade-12 students taught by incorporating GeoGebra program into mathematics problem-solving based on Polya’s method. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 3(1), 73–83. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSSE/article/view/240695
Research Articles in Science Education


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