Development of mathematical solving problem skill in linear equation with two Variables using KWDL technique of Mattayomsuksa 3 Students

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Kaiwitt Tharachan
Wannapol Pimpasalee
wannatida yonwilad
Wattanaporn Rungkarach


The objective of this research was to develop Mattayomsuksa 3 students’ mathematical solving problem skill in linear equation with two variables using KWDL technique such that the students could make the percentage of mean score over 70% of the full score and over 70% of all student passed the criterion. The sample consisted of 35 Mattayomsuksa 3 students in Nern Yang Prachasamakkee school. The samples of this research were selected through a cluster random sampling during the first semester of the 2019 academic year. This research is an action research conducted in two circuit.  The tools used in this research consisted of: 1) the experimental tool was 6 lesson plans, 2) the reflective tool was records of learning results with KWDL technique, and 3) the evaluation tool was subjective test with 5 items evaluating effectiveness of mathematical solving problem skill. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and percentage. The results of this research were as follows the percentage of students’ solving problem skill outcome was 81.26 % of the full score and 35 students or 100.00% of the samples passed the desired criterion.

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How to Cite
Tharachan, K., Pimpasalee, W., yonwilad, wannatida, & Rungkarach, W. (2020). Development of mathematical solving problem skill in linear equation with two Variables using KWDL technique of Mattayomsuksa 3 Students. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 3(2), 134–142. retrieved from
Research Articles in Science Education


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