Determining the speed of sound in air using a flute and vote musical instrument for high school students

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Thussanaporn Wongkhamchan
Kanchaya Honglertkongsakul


Experimenting to determine the speed of sound in air is one of the physics experiments involving theory and calculations. Teaching focuses only on theory; students may not understand and could become bored. Teaching incorporating modern equipment or musical instruments can enhance students' interest and enjoyment in learning. Therefore, this research aims to create an experiment to find the speed of sound in air using a flute and vote, and the sound frequency produced by each note will be measured using a smartphone. Flute is an example of open-ended tube resonance and vote is an example of close-ended tube resonance.  In an experiment, the relationship between the length of the resonating tube (L) and the sound frequency (f) will be used to create a graph and calculate the speed of sound. In the analysis, the experimental values ​​of the speed of sound in air will be compared with its theoretical values. The experimental results show that the speed of sound from flute and vote is 345.38 m/s and 348.03 m/s respectively. When comparing the obtained values with the theoretical speed of sound, which is 347.26 m/s, it was found that there is a deviation of 0.54% and 0.22%, respectively. This indicates that flute and vote can be effectively used for teaching purposes.

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How to Cite
Wongkhamchan, T., & Honglertkongsakul, K. (2024). Determining the speed of sound in air using a flute and vote musical instrument for high school students. Journal of Science and Science Education (JSSE), 7(2), 384–397.
Research Articles in Science Education


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