Guideline for the integrated assistance of victims, the affected and those who suffered unfaired treatment: “Justice Care”

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phairoj tinnachart-Arat
Bussarin Luangprasan


This article aims to present operational guidelines of the officers who are responsible for helping the sufferers and crime victims on the basis of the same standard. The study was conducted by collecting assistance guidelines based on Victim Scheme. Providing assistance to the sufferers and crime victims as well as fair treatment may get compensation for the losses by the wrongdoers. Receiving compensation for damages by the government together with offering other assistances to the victims is under the concept of 24-hour Justice Care by Ministry of Justice that assigns 81Justice Provincial Offices to act as the main department taking responsibility for integrating and giving assistance at the local level according to the guidelines and operation process with the same standard and patterns, which informs the rights to the suffered persons or the crime victims as integration within  24 hours. This assistance is under the responsibility by Ministry of Justice and other relevant agencies which go into the field so as to provide integrated assistance to people, aiming to cover the damages and the effects that possibly occur in every aspect, regardless of the requests by people.

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How to Cite
tinnachart-Arat, phairoj, & Luangprasan, B. (2020). Guideline for the integrated assistance of victims, the affected and those who suffered unfaired treatment: “Justice Care”. Journal of Thai Justice System, 12(2), 125–146. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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