The study of conditions, problems, causes, and various contexts related to the Thai Justice process

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Teera Sindecharak
Wichan Kittiratanapan


This work has three objectives: (1) use data collected from criminal justice efficiency indicator to analyze and assess strength-weakness-opportunity and threat (SWOT analysis) of Thai justice process in various aspects within the scope of criminal justice efficiency indicator that could be executed first due to clear definition, (2) propose solutions for policy and goal definition regarding systematic efficiency improvement of the criminal justice process, (3) develop a model and guideline for application of criminal justice efficiency indicator in directing improvement of Thai justice process, national strategy related with justice process, and model plan for national justice management improvement in the following phases.

The study found that:

  1. 1.Collection of criminal justice efficiency indicator data from justice agencies relevant to seven scopes, 21 indicators, shows that preliminary data from 17 indicators are collected, and four more are not. Compared to the previous year, data from four more indicators can be collected. Out of the collected data, eight indicators show improvement, five show decline, and the remaining seven cannot be compared to the previous year because the previous year’s data could not be collected.

2.About solutions for policy and goal definition regarding systematic efficiency improvement of the criminal justice process, it is suggested that digital technology system could be used in various part of the process, right from investigation (investigating officer), prosecution (prosecutor), judgement (court), to punishment (Department of Corrections), and other agencies as a single integrated system. This would allow effective data integration along with improved efficiency, transparency and accountability.

3.Use of information and digital technology in criminal justice process and law enforcement is in accordance with the national strategy (22) about law and justice process (2018-2037), which emphasizes importance of civil participation in driving and creating major changes. This plan has two subplans. The first is law development that has indicators about application of technology and national database in law enforcement compared to the number of laws, indicators about decreased law enforcement time, and indicators about civil confidence in law enforcement. The second subplan is justice process improvement, which has an indicator about increase in technologically and digitally-assisted justice facilitation steps to improve transparency, convenience and speed.

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How to Cite
Sindecharak, T. ., & Kittiratanapan, W. (2020). The study of conditions, problems, causes, and various contexts related to the Thai Justice process. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(2), 1–23. Retrieved from
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