The adaptation to enhance the performance of the Southern-Thai-Border judicial process via the NRC’s recommendations implementation

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Muhammadrorfee-E Musor
Jutharat Ua-umnoey
Direak Manmanah
Payao Lakateb


This article attempts to examine the application of the National Reconciliation Commission’s recommendations and the adaptation to enhance the performance of the Southern-Thai-Border judicial process. Focus group discussion with the responsible authorities and injured people, in depth interview with thirty five informants (twenty victims and fifteen responsible authorities) were conducted in order to collect data. The study found that the responsible organizations has been applying the NRC’s recommendations in their mission guidelines result in the coordination among judicial agencies became more effective. The state’s introduction of security agencies, administrative agencies, and special legislation are participating in  the reinforcement of the preliminary and primary judicial process prior to the regular judicial procedures under the Thai Criminal Procedure Code was beneficial to the later steps of the “judicial process”. Remedy committees have approved financial compensation to assist the affected victims. The judicial working culture was adapted and observed by the Provincial Administrative Justice Development Committee (PAJDC) according to the Ministry of Justice’s policies. Technological solutions were employed in public service outreach to ensure that everyone has equal and affordable access to judicial services. The civil sector played a vital role in protecting rights and finding solutions to problems that the locals and affected parties had throughout the area. Moreover, The Islamic Law on Family and Heritage (Court of Justice Edition) and Legal Manual for Islamic Law on Family and Heritage (Ministry of Justice Edition) were created and used as reference criteria in case of disputes. Suggestions from this research on Developmental Guidelines are to decrease tensions, conflicts, and misunderstandings between the officials whose missions; to maintain peace in the area and the people who are, in many ways, affected by the operations; local escalation of conflicting ideologies could eventually lead to violence; Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Thai Southern Border Provinces should be established in conjunction with the implementation of transitional justice, a strategy that aims to solve conflicts through win-win outcomes.

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How to Cite
Musor, M.-E., Ua-umnoey, J., Manmanah, D., & Lakateb, P. (2020). The adaptation to enhance the performance of the Southern-Thai-Border judicial process via the NRC’s recommendations implementation. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(2), 93–116. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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