Participation of the Public in the Adjudication and Trials of Criminal Cases: Case Study on the System of Lay Judges in the Federal Republic of Germany Compared with Thailand

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Pornphet cholsaktrakul



          This article aims to study the participation of the public in the adjudication and trials of criminal cases. This study compares the system of lay judges of the Federal Republic of Germany and the system of lay judges in Thailand. In the Federal Republic of Germany, the system of lay judges was adopted in the adjudication and trials of general criminal cases. This is therefore different from Thailand where the system of lay judges was adopted and implemented only in certain specialized courts, not in the adjudication and trials of criminal cases in criminal courts. As such, this article studies the differences on the intention, qualification, recruitment, and the number of lay judges abroad. This article is hoped to serve as

a guideline providing that the public in Thailand is given an opportunity to participate in the adjudication and trials of criminal cases in the future.

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How to Cite
cholsaktrakul, P. (2020). Participation of the Public in the Adjudication and Trials of Criminal Cases: Case Study on the System of Lay Judges in the Federal Republic of Germany Compared with Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(2), 153–165. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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