Guidelines for managing unidentified remains in cemetery: Unidentified remains burial and Unidentified remains post-burial management

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Onuma Tangsomsuk


The examination and proper analysis of human remains is a very important process in establishing the identity of deceased persons, as well as protecting their rights and civil liberties, even if that person has passed away. This combined scientific and legal process assists in the investigation and prosecution of offenders when homicide is suspected.  Currently, in Thailand, there are many unidentified human remains awaiting identification and verification that fall under the responsibility of the Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS). The CIFS recognizes the extreme importance of human identification and as a result, has established standardized procedures for the temporary burial and subsequent identification to ensure the accuracy of unidentified human remains. This procedure includes standardized guidelines and protocols to manage and track unidentified bodies after burial in a cemetery to ensure that skeletonized human remains are properly stored and maintained in good condition.

A study of nine graves unidentified burials and the stages of bodily decomposition conducted by CIFS over a period of one year revealed that a systematic protocol resulted in the accurate and reliable tracking and exhumation of unidentified human remains. The protocol included information on the condition of the body prior to temporary burial in a cemetery, interment in a marked and numbered in-ground concrete grave, notation on a plat map, and photographs of the remains before being buried, and a logbook documenting all of this information. A systematic approach documenting the condition of the body and location of the remains in the cemetery facilitated the accurate exhumation and laboratory examination of unidentified human remains. Additionally, the study revealed that there are enough graves in the cemetery to hold unidentified bodies each year, thereby allowing the CIFS to plan for the excavation of unidentified bodies at the appropriate time and to be able to house/store the remains in a suitable and secure condition until they are identified. While it is beneficial to track unidentified bodies and missing persons, it is also important to have a good working relationship and open lines of communication between medical-legal agencies responsible for the examination and identification of unidentified and unclaimed bodies. A good working relationship along with shared information, standardized procedures,and established protocols will allow for the effective management of data and the accurate and timely identification of human remains.

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How to Cite
Tangsomsuk, . O. (2020). Guidelines for managing unidentified remains in cemetery: Unidentified remains burial and Unidentified remains post-burial management. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(3), 137–150. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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