Domestic relations and law of succession enforcement considerations: A case study of children superfetation of Surrogate mother

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Virat Natipvad


This article is intended to be studied of Law enforcement, Domestic relations and Law of Succession with infants caused by the superfetation of the surrogate mothers. Superfetation is the case where the surrogate mother (surrogate) has been oocyte (gametes of a woman). After completion of the Medically Assisted Reproductive Technology. When the oocyte were conception with sperm ( gametes of a man) of her spouse, by the laws of the pregnant women, instead of causing the pregnancy to overlap from the baby first. When the baby is born out The fact that the baby's birth is misunderstand as the baby is born from medically assisted reproductive technology. In fact, the baby is born by natural Treaty, thereby bringing Protection Of a Child Born by Medically Assisted Reproductive Technology Act, B.E. 2558 (2015), which is born in the medically assisted reproductive technology. Applicable to infants arising from a nested pregnancy causes the infant to be separated from the actual family and illegal practice, not as a holder of rights under Domestic relations and law of succession will be entitled to statutory by law.

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How to Cite
Natipvad, V. (2021). Domestic relations and law of succession enforcement considerations: A case study of children superfetation of Surrogate mother. Journal of Thai Justice System, 14(1), 83–98. Retrieved from
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