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Sasiwimon Thongklom
Thamavit Terdudomtham


The objectives of this research is to study situations, problems and obstacles          of criminalistics service in Thailand and design the optimum model of private criminalistics service unit in Thailand. The part of qualitative research consists of documentary research, in-depth interview, and focus group. The results presented the situation of criminalistics in Thailand was confidence and emphasizing on the using the examination result in the criminal justice system. It is being done in the private sector but not yet known. With the development of verification techniques and methods There are laws promoting and supporting the private sector's identification services. And have a co-operating network. The problems and obstacles, Found insufficient resources, including budgets, personnel, tools and services not yet covered. Lacking laws that give authority to work the change of management policy does not yet have a database storage system. Including the difficulty and complexity of the job. The opinions of the person whose related the criminality about allocate the service to private sector this will reduce the workload of the government sector, but must be reliable and pass the verification standards, must consider the honesty of the workers. Confidentiality must have regulators The state must have budget support measures. Taking into account the investment risks of the private sector. This research present the optimal model is conduct by government agencies which screening and deliver the evidences to private sector for examination and report for approving by government agencies. This type of action reduces the burden of government verification. Service recipients are confident in the results of the verification, which has been verified by government agencies. There is also an agency that is responsible for overseeing the verification work for supervision, control and monitoring of operations in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Thongklom, S., & Terdudomtham, T. (2020). THE OPTIMAL MODEL OF PRIVATE CRIMINALISTICS SERVICE IN THAILAND. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(3), 1–20. Retrieved from
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