The The Independence of Public Prosecutor's Organization follows provisions of the Constitution 2550 B.E

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วัฒนพงศ์ วงศ์ใหญ่


The Constitution of Thailand 2550 B.E. specifies the status of the public prosecutor's organiztion as a constitutional organization, other organization. According to the will of constitution, the independent of prosecutors is intended and ensured by the constitution, especially the independent from the executive branch. However the public prosecutor's organization so the public prosecutor's organization is not absolutely free from the executive institution life other constitutional organization because the legal performance of the public prosecutor's organization and prosecutors closely relate to executive institution. In this this way, the independence of the public prosecutor's organization should ensure by the executive institution by means clearly develop the law which relating rights and duties between the public prosecutor's organization and other executive organizations.

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How to Cite
วงศ์ใหญ่ ว. (2009). The The Independence of Public Prosecutor’s Organization follows provisions of the Constitution 2550 B.E. Journal of Thai Justice System, 2(2), 5–17. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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