The Relationship Between Neck Injury and Pathology of Hanging Death. Case Studies from The Examination Report Police Hospital

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sirithum chitngam


The research was to study injury and neck pathology of hanging deaths. The data was collected by using interview form to collect data from sex, age, race and cause of death. Using data collected from an untreated sample of the past 5 years (from January 2015 to December 2019). 51 people, which were taken from the Institute of Forensics Police Hospital by collecting data in interviews Statistical data were analyzed for One-Way ANOVA by using statistical packages. Considered that there was a significant difference at the 0.05 level.

The results findings are as follows:

  1. 1. Analysis of the results of the survey found deaths from hanging. In the area responsible for the Institute of Forensic Science Police hospitals of 51 people found that in 2015, the deaths were the most 18, accounting for 32.29 percent, most of which were males, accounting for 31.37 percent. 41 - 50 years The most common ethnicity in the country was 45 Thais, 88.23%, and the cause of death was 15 cases of hyoid fracture, 29.41%, and 36 others, 70.59%. Blood alcohol level of the deceased Not significantly different at 0.05

  2. 2. Injury was not significantly associated with neck pathology of neck compression deaths at 0.05 (X2 = 0.812, P-value = 0.417).

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How to Cite
chitngam, sirithum. (2021). The Relationship Between Neck Injury and Pathology of Hanging Death. Case Studies from The Examination Report Police Hospital. Journal of Thai Justice System, 14(1), 15–30. Retrieved from
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