Legal Problems Concerning the Criminalization of Revenge Porn in Thailand

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Ratchanee Tangon
Sirisak Jungthawan


The objective of this research aimed to investigate the legal issue regarding criminal liability determination in the case of “Revenge Porn”, using pornography of the victim to intimidate or take revenge, in Thailand. Definitions, concepts, theories and patterns of revenge porn in foreign laws were studied and comparatively analyzed in order to suggest guidelines on proper criminal measures for revenge porn offence in Thailand. The methodology was qualitative research. For documentary research, textbooks, articles, theses, journals, theories, laws as well as case studies were studied.

Revenge porn cases in Thailand and overseas are found to be a threat of revenge between couples, former lovers, or ex-husband and wife when the offender intends to humiliate the victim by intimidating the person in the pornography that his/her pornographic or sexual images leak to the public. Such threat includes using those images as negotiation and intimidation tools to force the victim to fulfill the offender’s demand, or take revenge his/her ex-lover who has abandoned the offender for a new lover. The offense is commonly committed on the internet since it is a convenient, fast and easy channel to spread. The study found that Thailand's legal measures do not cover revenge porn; therefore, they can neither be applied to nor effectively prevent the offense. Thailand’s Criminal Code and the Computer Crimes Act (No. 2) BE 2560 are not directly applicable to revenge porn; however, foreign laws, such as American law, Australian law and Japanese law have specific criminal punishment measures with, for example, clear definition, nature of the offense, acts with the intention to cause damage to the victim, provisions on criminal penalties, and the exceptions of criminal liability.

This research suggests that Thailand should enact criminal measures for revenge porn and apply other legal measures altogether with such criminal measures in order to effectively prevent and solve the problem of Revenge Porn in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Tangon, R., & Jungthawan, S. (2020). Legal Problems Concerning the Criminalization of Revenge Porn in Thailand. Journal of Thai Justice System, 13(3), 77–100. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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