Eligibility Criteria for Consideration in Granting Preliminary Subsidy and Compensation Pursuant to the Draft of Patient Injury Act, B.E. ....

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จุฬสมา โพธิอุโมงค์
ลาวัลย์ หอนพรัตน์
สิริพันธ์ พลรบ


Since there had been an increase in number of issues relating to medical adverse event and lawsuits, the bill of patient injury was consequently drafted with a concept of no - fault compensation. However, this new law should have the eligibility for fast and fair consideration in granting preliminary subsidy and compensation in order to decrease number of lawsuits and promote a good relationship between patient and health care provider.

This research therefore was conducted in order to study the preliminary subsidy and compensation pursuant to such bill, compare past experiences regarding payment of preliminary subsidy pursuant to section 41 of National Health Security Act, B.E. 2545, guidelines in compensating damages pursuant to other similar laws and compensation system overseas, and recommend guidelines in improving and developing drtafted laws.

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How to Cite
โพธิอุโมงค์ จ., หอนพรัตน์ ล., & พลรบ ส. (2011). Eligibility Criteria for Consideration in Granting Preliminary Subsidy and Compensation Pursuant to the Draft of Patient Injury Act, B.E. . Journal of Thai Justice System, 4(2), 53–66. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/245816
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