The Development of Investigation and Inquiry Model on Transnational Drugs Organized Crime

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Chakri Kanthiya
Jutharat Ua-amnoey


The objective of this research is to study problems and obstacles in investigating narcotic drug in Thailand. Moreover, it aims at studying the guidelines in developing investigation form in narcotic drug as transnational organized crime in Thailand. This study is quantitative research by document study and in-depth interview from personnel in judicial processes. Meanwhile, research tools embrace structured in-depth interview, and the author analyzed information through content analysis so as to answer research questions. Research findings revealed that

1) Problems and obstacles of investigation in narcotic case in Thailand composes of 1.1) In term of policy and strategy, there are still lacking in effective strategies and policies in seriously preventing and suppressing narcotic drug as transnational organized crime 1.2) As for law and punishment, there has still no serious measures for suppressing narcotics whereas enforcing law and punishment still lack efficiency 1.3) With regard to agencies involved in operating and investigating, each agency not only works differently but also lacks cooperation from related agencies to provide information beneficial to cases 1.4) As to personnel, government officer still lack for experience in narcotic case as transnational organized crime

2) In relation to the guidelines in developing investigation form in narcotic drug as transnational organized crime in Thailand, the government needs to have development guidelines in term of 2.1) policy and strategy 2.2) law and punishment 2.3) agency side 2.4) personnel side that are still the problems and obstacles in investigating narcotic drug in Thailand so that proceeding in investigating narcotic drug as transnational organized crime in Thailand can be more efficient while being able to take those perpetrators to be punished according to the law.

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How to Cite
Kanthiya, C., & Ua-amnoey, J. . (2021). The Development of Investigation and Inquiry Model on Transnational Drugs Organized Crime. Journal of Thai Justice System, 14(1), 49–66. Retrieved from
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