The Role of Department of Correction Staff in Mahasarakham Province in Implementing the Community Justice Concept.

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Amonrat Ariyachaipradit Nimnoo


This research aimed to investigate roles of the Mahasarakham prison officers in applying community justice concept into their duty operation and guidelines of adopting the community justice in the prison's operation efficiently. Research population consisted of 80 Mahasarakham prison officers. Research instrument was rating-scale questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were percent, mean, S.D. and hypothesis tested used Three-way ANOVA. Result of the research showed that the toles of the Mahasarakham prison officers in operating duty in according with the community justice concept in the aspects of crime control and prevention, knowledge and understanding of community justice concepts and duty operation were at a high level; the officers paid the highest concern on crime control and prevention. The comparison revealed that:

1) The Mahasakham prison officers with different genders did not have roles in Performing their duty in accordance with the community justice in aspects of crime control and prevention, knowledge and understanding of community justice and performing on duty differently.

2)The Mahasarakham prison officers with different ages did not have roles in Perfroming their duty in accordance with the community justice in the aspects of crime control and prevention, knowledge and understanding of community justice and perfroming on duty differently.

3)The Mahasarakham prison officers with different duty responsibilities did not have roles in performing their duty in accordance with the community justice in the aspects of crime control and prevention knowledge and understanding of community justice and performing on duty differently.

4) The Mahasarakham prison officers with different genders work durations did not have roles in performing their duty in accordance with the community justice in the aspects of crime control and prevention, knowledge and understanding of community justice and performing on duty differently

In conclusion, this researc suggested that 

1. The training of the comunity justice should be arranged for the prison officers and the community in order to create understanding about the concept and be able to adopt the knowledge in their work perfroming correctly and the community will be able to catch up with the changes, live securely and cause none social problem.

2.The projects and activities on ethic and morale development should be organized annually for prisoners and community; thus, they can create ethic and morale as their permanent beavior whhich will affect the comunity in assisting the prisoners after their releases to be back to their professions which will improve their life quality.

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How to Cite
Ariyachaipradit Nimnoo, A. (2013). The Role of Department of Correction Staff in Mahasarakham Province in Implementing the Community Justice Concept. Journal of Thai Justice System, 6(1), 71–84. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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