วิกฤตการณ์แก้ไขปัญหาความรุนแรงในครอบครัวด้วยพระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองผู้ถูกกระทำด้วยความรุนแรงในครอบครัว พ.ศ.๒๕๕๐

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วิษณุ พงศ์พันธุ์อนุสร


This study was to investigate the enforcement of the Prrotection of the Victim of Family Violence Act B.E 2550 (2007), and the problems and limitations of its encforcement. A qualitative approach through stuctured interviews was used for data collection, conducted with 30 interrogation police, a police superintendent of a police station, a criminology expert, and a top executive as key informants who enforce the Act.

Results revealed that compromise between counter parties for mutual understanding isi favored in the investigation of family violence these days more than enforcing laws or the Protection of the Victim of Family Violence Act. This is became the law or enforcement of the Act has demanded coordination with external units, but this h;as failed, for the likely reason that they were overloaded with responsibility and postponed their appointments, which then delayed and disconnected interrogations.

The problems and limitations of the Act's enforcement revealed that the testimonial procedures are ambiguous because they mainly require external offices and are time consuming till they end. In addition, the interrogation officers have limited knowledge, understanding, and negative attitudes toward its enforcement. Also, the policy of its enforcement. Also, the policy of its enforcement. Also, the policy of its enforcemtn was not prioritized by the top executive or the immediate supervisors, and they have not launched by the top executive or the immdiate supervisors, and they hae not launched campaigns for their have been subordinates, nor have they been conscientious with serious enforcement, while budgets inadequate and some operation agents have taken advantage of the loopholes in this Act to distort the objectives and intents of its enforcement.

However, this study had added a diagram of the Protection of the Victim of Family Violence Act B.E.2550 to explain the obvious probess of implementation of such an act, which other research has not related in their processes.

Recommendations from this study are that there should be training for the police to raise their understanding of the laws intent.  In addition, interrogation officers should be specifically allocated to the program. In addition, the government and the Office of the National Police should allocate budgets to support the training of officers in order to enchance the knowledge of the police about the Act, especially the field agents.

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How to Cite
พงศ์พันธุ์อนุสร ว. (2013). วิกฤตการณ์แก้ไขปัญหาความรุนแรงในครอบครัวด้วยพระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองผู้ถูกกระทำด้วยความรุนแรงในครอบครัว พ.ศ.๒๕๕๐. Journal of Thai Justice System, 6(3), 65–80. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246129
Research Articles


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พระราชบัญญัติคุ้มครองผู้ถูกกระทำด้วยความรุนแรงในครอบครัว พ.ศ. 2550