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พชร สันทัด
เชษฐ รัชดาพรรณาธิกุล


Human trafficking is an existing global problem since it intended to devalue the basic human rights, affected and underminded human dignity, Nowadays, such problem has become more intense. Human trafficking which is merciless purely violated human rights as well as being the serious crime against the national and international stability.

The findings suggested the training of policeman in each police station mainly on knowledge and understanding of problems in the Prevention and Suppression of human trafficking and other relevant laws, so that they could practice the law effectively. Nonetheless, there must be the publicity against human trafficking. For human suppression, all risk ares to human trafficking must be under tight surveillance. In addition, the offender should be trated separately as to put the injured person or victim under the witness protection program. The weekly meeting for planning, performing or reporting news must be arranged so the public could learn about the progress and ensure effective performance.

This research recommends the government and Royal Thai Police setting up the policies or definite measures to prevent and suppress human trafficking. There should be the division responsible for settign up the systematic function and budget allocation for prevention and suppression of human trafficking as well as providing adequate police workforce in each Metropolitan Police Station to handle this matter. All policemen should be well trained on legal matters and also increase communication skills in English language because English has been designated as AEC official language so the policeman should be trained to function properly and ready to face the upcomiung AEC.

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How to Cite
สันทัด พ., & รัชดาพรรณาธิกุล เ. (2014). การบริหารงานตำรวจในการป้องกันและปราบปรามการค้ามนุษย์ของสถานีตำรวจนครบาล. Journal of Thai Justice System, 7(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246190
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