The quality of the "risks and needs assessments scale" in case classification of juvenile offenders

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ธัญลักษ์ รุจิภักดิ์


The purpose of this research is to test the construct and develop the validity and reliability of the assessment scale for assessing risks (of re-offending) and needs (for correction) in juvenile offender classification. The discrimination power, concurrent and predictive validity and internal consistency were statistically analyze. A quantitative approach was applied for data collection. A total sample of 1,181 juvenile offenders was collected. The discrimination index of the assessment was ranged from low to excellent levels, indicating acceptable level of classification. The concurrent validity presented there was a significant difference between risk and severity crime groups in all factors, excluding  physical  and psychological harm factor, behavior problems factor and children protection and welfare factor. The predictive validity was also found the moderately significant relationship between risk and need assessment, and the problem of multicollinearity was not found. The prediction of the model accounts for 62% and 77% of the variation in assessing risk and needs classification. These validity tests presented that the assessment was moderate accuracy valid. The internal consistency reliability coefficient of the assessment was acceptable (alpha = .62) The efficiencies of the measurement validity and reliability were acceptable. The Interview questionnaire to "Estimate Risks and Needs" is an extensive instrument that is intended to predict risk  and severity in Thai adolescents. Although few items are low discrimination index, which is less likely  affect. Some items' contents and item' scores need to be adjusted' in order to improve the accuracy of the assessment.

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How to Cite
รุจิภักดิ์ ธ. (2014). The quality of the "risks and needs assessments scale" in case classification of juvenile offenders. Journal of Thai Justice System, 7(2), 61–82. retrieved from
Research Articles


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