Juvenile Criminal Justice Systems in the ASEAN Economics Community

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สุมนทิพย์ จิตสว่าง


In the ASEAN Economics Community which consists of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines , Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, some similar trends can be observed towards the juvenile delinquency, such as the increasing number of juvenile offending, the more violent and complicated patterns of youth crimes. There fore, the objectives of this article is to study law related to juvenile delinquency, among the justice system and its treatment to juvenile delinquency. Regarding their justice systems, it could be said that most of the ASEAN Economics Community member countries have specific laws and criminal justice systems for their juveniles. In addition, with reference to the Convention on the Right of the Child, The Beijing Rules and the Tokyo Rules; the justice system in this region in terms of the treatment of juvenile offenders can be broadly grouped into three levels of standards : a decent standard achieved by Brunei, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore and Thailand ; a moderate standard reached by the Philippines, and Indonesia ; and finally those below the international standard which include Cambodia, myanmar and Vietnam.

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จิตสว่าง ส. (2014). Juvenile Criminal Justice Systems in the ASEAN Economics Community. Journal of Thai Justice System, 7(3), 1–34. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/246298
Academic Articles


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